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Squares in small settlements in the NW provinces of the Roman Empire

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The bi-national research project, which was approved by the DFG and co-funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, is dedicated to plazas in the small town settlements (vici) of the Rhine provinces and Raetia.

While the fora of the large cities have been comparatively well researched, the level of knowledge about their counterparts in the vici is considerably lower. In the vici, there are also plazas that had a variety of functions comparable to those in the cities. However, if one attempts to transfer the term forum to these, a problem of direct transferability becomes apparent, which is to be tackled in an interdisciplinary manner using methods from archaeology, digital and computational archaeology, scientific archaeology and ancient history. The research project is based on preliminary work by the lead agency (University of Cologne, Institute of Archaeology) in Bregenz-Brigantium.



The archaeology of the Roman provinces attempts to work out the characteristics of these squares and to shed light on their function.
Digital Archaeology

Digital Archaeology

Computer-aided methods are used for a multi-scale approach to the study of places in secondary agglomerations.
Natural Sci. Archaeology

Natural Sci. Archaeology

Archaeozoological and geoarchaeological methods promise significant new insights into the use of these sites.

Institutions involved


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